
A young girl
At the top of her bill
At the foot of the hill
Near the valley
On top
On top of the mountain
On the top of her game
Armed with a degree
Armed with knowledgde
Armed with preparation

Ready to thrive
Ready to live
Ready to succeed
Ready to leave
to lead a good life
to freedom
to safety
to status

A surge for status
for a title
for a higher life
for a safe highland
not knowing
not feeling
not seeing what she felt underneath
what she figured underneath
what was framed in her head
what lies she needed to ditch

Double numbers
A degree
Knowledge she had
Plenty of pain
A lack of wisdom
A lack of compassion
A lack of truth within

Thank you my dear
Thank you my dearest 22
For pushing through
For writing me your sorrow
For having shared your pain
Thank you for getting me here
For going before me
For going through the valley
For falling

For living
For being you
For teaching me to be me!

Thank you sweet 22

That you kept going!


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