The grass had died

Yellow grass

Death grass

Behind you

Behind you a cloudy sky

That was your scene

That was your background

Four years ago

I study


I study my background

I study your background

You there

In Iceland

On the field

Trying to smile

Trying to enjoy

Trying to be what you wanted to be

A happy father

A satisfied father

Having it all together

It is the hardest thing

To see your picture

To see your surroundings

To know your struggles

To not have known your struggles

That God had known your struggles

That you could not be saved

The hardest thing

To conclude

To see the dots

To connect the dots

To become aware

To ackowledge it all

The loneliness

The pain

That we know

Not the hows

But the be’s

You were in pain

and now we can learn

Learn to speak

Learn to connect

Learn how to help oneanother

How to conclude

How to say

That life can be all too much

That we are all so vulnerable

That all of us needs to release pressure


Take it down a notch

That selfcompassion

Would get us to the core

That selfcompassion would relief

The pressure

The fake goals

The self-imposed goals and tasks

That break us down

All the giving

And no receiving

All the strive for others

For an image

For praise that never comes

For having it all together

In the eyes of others

To attain for a life that doesnt exist

Dear bro,

Stop striving

Start embracing your flaws

Start discovering the real you

The weird you

The weirdest you

I promise relief

I promise satisfactory feelings at the end of the day

I wish I told u this

Four years ago

Love you so🙋‍♀️


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