on a thursday

integrate the impressions

the goals

with the actions

the right action

or the right surrender



being pure

being the highest me

being true

true to my goals

being authentic

being honest

being kind

i am not willing

I am too rigid

I am inflexible

I am rushed

I am on the flight

I am scared

of keeping living in my home

I am scared

of pausing

I am scared of saying no

I am scared of canceling

I am scared of being unsafe

I am sure

I am strategical

I am in denial

I am reflecting

I am goal oriented

I am wanting too much

I am taking too much risk

I am confused

I am sure of my heart

I am getting it

I am understanding it

I am almost there

I am experiencing

I am feeling

the energy of lies

lieful energy bowling inside

not pure

but me now

this is me here

this is me pushing

pushing against the tide

not allright

too much tension

too much disgust

too much judgment

where is the joy?

is the joy to be found in rest?

can I still rest?

can I pivot?

Can I surrender?

Can I work relaxed?

Can I trust?

Will I retrust

will I return?

will I speak up?

will I discern?

Yes, I listened

I understood

I respected

I was flexible

I honoured my values


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