Winter love

loving darkness

healing darkness

stay with me

stay here 

Consoling darkness 

do not go

I am here appreciating

I am here enjoying

I am here restoring

working on my pain

Feeling my pain

almost there

digging for it

Comforting darkness

your peace is appreciated

the quiet time makes me calm

is it not your calm that I crave?

Darkness, I am not ready

am I ready?

How can I deal with this light?

How can I shine in this light?

Thank you darkness

for giving me space

for letting me be

for letting me feel

that winter is scarce

that winter is necessary

that I love winter

that all is temporary

so is my fear

lovely darkness

healing darkness

stay near

my calming friend

stay here

stay at my side

alleviating darkness

you are valued

you are comforting

stay longer

so I do not have to finish the digging

the digging of things

so hard to share

so hard to admit

so hard to keep in

will it be easier to take them out

is it even easier to take them into the light

is it time?

is it everything as it is supposed to be?

Is it time for light?

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